Prenatal screening
Why should we care?
So as to prevent late diagnosis!
Why is it better to avoid a late diagnosis?
Because children are born with important malformations such as heart defects, anal atresia, esophageal cancer, biliary or renal dysplasia, which if neglected could lead to other medical problems or even death.
This way, our children can be operated on at an early stage and given therapies to improve their situation, saving parents the emotional roller coaster of having to look for medical answers to questions that appear unanswerable.
Imagine if all the most important structures that deal with prenatal genetic testing were aware of the existence of Cat Eye Syndrome International.
Parents, before beginning to panic, could meet with other parents of the same country and thus get a true picture of the syndrome which is unaltered by the imagination induced by the little information found on the internet.
Imagine if the families in difficulty, eager nonetheless to have a child of their own, could find financial and moral support in the association and its members, and discover what further prenatal tests need to be carried out and what precautions should be taken before and immediately after birth.
This is the Cat Eye Syndrome International that we are dreaming of.
Help us to realize it!
What can you do to help us?
If you haven’t already done so, please consider making a donation.
Make a Donation!In addition, you can sign this petition and ask all your contacts to do the same.
Sign it will help to generate the interest that is necessary to achieve financial support from potential donors or sponsors.
Sign the Petition!Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Newborn Screening
Aside from providing timely treatment and therapies, newborn screening will finally enable educators, doctors and your average person to know how common this syndrome actually is.
The media will finally start talking about it.
The awareness battle will be won.
This will stimulate funding for research in order to improve the understanding of this complex syndrome, thus ensuring a better future for our children and our grandchildren.
What can you do to help us?
If you haven’t already done so, please consider making a donation.
Make a Donation!In addition, you can sign this petition and ask all your contacts to do the same.
Sign it will help to generate the interest that is necessary to achieve financial support from potential donors or sponsors.
Sign the Petition!Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Postnatal screening
How many nations are affected by it?
How many asymptomatic cases are there and how many are severely symptomatic?
How many cases show the typical marker of Cat Eye Syndrome and how many are affected without this marker?
How many people and families are in need of help and assistance?
Unfortunately at the moment nobody knows.
This is the primary objective of Cat Eye Syndrome International; to carry out such screening and discover all the cases of Cat Eye Syndrome in the world so as to be able to bring its support and assistance to all the families who need it.
What can you do to help us?
If you haven’t already done so, please consider making a donation.
Make a Donation!In addition, you can sign this petition and ask all your contacts to do the same.
Sign it will help to generate the interest that is necessary to achieve financial support from potential donors or sponsors.
Sign the Petition!Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Adopt a Family
If we consider the fact that the right to health care is not free of charge in all countries and that caring for these children completely absorbs the lives of their parents to the point where they either lose or leave their jobs, we can establish that one thing is for sure: these families are in desperate need of support.
This is why the “Adopt a Family” project was launched.
Through prenatal, newborn and postnatal screening we will in fact be able to identify the most needy families and dedicated support can be offered directly to them .
What can you do to help us?
If you haven’t already done so, please consider making a donation.
Make a Donation!In addition, you can sign this petition and ask all your contacts to do the same.
Sign it will help to generate the interest that is necessary to achieve financial support from potential donors or sponsors.
Sign the Petition!Thank you, thank you, thank you!