Become a Sponsor
In addition to the legal costs associated with registering the association, there are start-up and maintenance costs that are essential for an international association like ours.
First and foremost, since this site is our primary communication tool, there are costs related to updating and language translations (English, French , Spanish, Italian, German, Russian) in order to have timely and detailed information.
Then comes our greatest dream: to financially help families that find themselves in exceptional situations, which unfortunately for them are considered routine, such as prolonged hospitalization, special surgery and/or specialist visits, through our screening projects and support.
All this keeping in mind that we would like to enhance, stimulate and support scientific and medical research and increase the level of Cat Eye Syndrome awareness.
This is why we need Sponsors.
The following are some examples of the type of cooperation that can be achieved together with companies / institutions that may be interested.
Free donations
Free donations cover the costs of carrying out one or more aspects of a single project.
In-kind donations
Distance Support
Christmas products
Payroll giving
Staff fundraising
Corporate Welfare
Cause related marketing
CESI will draw up an effective communication plan jointly with the company.