Information on
Anti-Money Laundering Procedure
Pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree 196/2003 “Personal data processing code” and for the obligations pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2007 “Anti-money laundering legislation”, and in relation to personal data referred to CAT EYE SYNDROME INTERNATIONAL ONLUS, with registered office in Via Molteni 149, 00125 ROME (ITALY), will come into possession, we inform you of the following:
1.FINALITY OF DATA PROCESSING. The processing is aimed solely at the correct and complete execution of your request for information, membership or your offer of donation. We inform you that the data collected will be processed for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations set forth in current anti-money laundering legislation.
a) The processing is carried out by means of the operations or set of operations indicated in art. 4 paragraph 1 letter. a) of the Code: collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data.
b) The operations can be carried out with or without the use of electronic or automated means.
c) The processing is carried out by the owner and / or by the persons in charge of the processing.
3. PROVISION OF DATA. The provision of data is strictly necessary for the purposes of carrying out the activities. The provision of any other data is entirely optional.
4. REFUSAL OF DATA PROVISION. Any refusal by the interested party to provide such data implies the impossibility to fulfill and inform correctly and promptly the evolution of the activity.
5. COMMUNICATION OF DATA. Personal data may be disclosed to the persons in charge of processing and may be communicated for the purposes referred to in point 1 to external collaborators, whose communication is necessary for the correct fulfillment of the purposes indicated above. The owner of the personal data and the people in charge of the processing are subject to the obligations set by the anti-money laundering legislation. Therefore, the provision of data implies the awareness that, if deemed irrevocably relevant by the data controller, for the purposes of the communication obligations concerning money laundering, they may be transmitted to the competent Authorities. The Client raises the data controller and / or the appointees, from any responsibility deriving from the fulfillment of the anti-money laundering regulations.
6. DISCLOSURE OF DATA. Personal data are not subject to disclosure. They can however be used, in order to send you communications or information on the activities of the non-profit organization or site updates.
7. TRANSFER OF DATA ABROAD. Personal data may be transferred to countries of the European Union and to countries outside the European Union within the scope of the purposes referred to in point 1.
8. DATA SUBJECT’S RIGHTS. 7 of the Code grants the interested party the exercise of specific rights, including the right to obtain from the holder confirmation of the existence or otherwise of their personal data and their availability in an intelligible form; the interested party has the right to have knowledge of the origin of the data, of the purposes and methods of the processing, of the logic applied to the processing, of the identification data concerning the data controller and the subjects to whom the data may be communicated; the interested party also has the right to obtain the updating, rectification and integration of data, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law; the owner has the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data.
9. RESPONSABLE OF THE TREATMENT. The data controller is the President and Legal Representative of the Cat Eye Syndrome International Onlus, who is domiciled at Via Molteni 149, 00125 Rome.